Riding Free Blog: Saddle Up!

Horse Tips


We have done everything from staying at a hotel nearby to camping in the back of our truck at rodeos, so I feel pretty confident answering the question of ‘what to bring to a rodeo.’ Here’s an older post with 3 tips for starting rodeo. I’ll start by explaining a little about how they work […]

Riding Free Tack Rodeo Weekend Checklist


Horse Tips

Today we are giving you 5 tactical ideas to keep riding FUN for your kids, especially after a set back.  “But riding horses is fun in itself!”  Yes!  But tell that to your kid who has 7,000 distractions pulling them away from this sport each day… So you could be coming off a set back with your kids, like […]

5 Fun Horse Activities for your kids!


Horse Tips

Today we are giving you 5 tactical ideas to keep riding FUN for your kids, especially after a set back.  “But riding horses is fun in itself!”  Yes!  But tell that to your kid who has 7,000 distractions pulling them away from this sport each day… So you could be coming off a set back with your kids, like […]

5 Fun Horse Activities for your kids!


Horse Tips

Today we are giving you 5 tactical ideas to keep riding FUN for your kids, especially after a set back.  “But riding horses is fun in itself!”  Yes!  But tell that to your kid who has 7,000 distractions pulling them away from this sport each day… So you could be coming off a set back with your kids, like […]

5 Fun Horse Activities for your kids!